For a copy of The Corporate Affair for only AUD$8.00, email me at [email protected].
The following is an excerpt :
I got a place to work at MAGNAC CORP. I was only 25 and just nearing one year of service in my so-called field of work. I majored in Arts and yearned to work either in PR human relations or as an economist in a leading bank. As if fate had its destiny, I couldn’t get a job there. The economy wasn’t doing too good. In economical terms, ‘the market isn’t bullish’. How can that be? It wasn’t fair. Jeanette got her desired job immediately. The market was at it’s peak 5 years ago. It’s a different story now. Life wasn’t fair.
So, I had no choice but to join an insurance company. Not any insurance company. I was choosy, you see. I only wanted the best. The cream of the crop as I mentioned earlier. So, I leafed through many newspaper ads and finally set my eyes on MAGNAC CORP, a large insurance conglomerate. I loved just hearing the sound of it on my puckered lips. It was established in 1922 and progressively grew over the years. It underwent merges and other sorts of things that companies go through during tumultuous years. Finally it has emerged into the best insurance organization in the world. I was dying to make it BIG in the corporate world.