My First Job

A Writers’ Other Jobs piece from Adam Ford

One of the things to consider when looking around for a job that’s going to pay your bills to make up for the fact that your writing doesn’t is that the time spent doing that not-your-writing job is time that you could have spent actually working on your own writing.

The Slip

A Writers’ Other Job story from Tristan Foster

Like many an undergrad to come before me and, no doubt, like many to follow, I worked in pubs to pay my way through university. I only lasted a few months in my first pub, but that proved to be more than enough time for it to embed itself deep in my subconscious – my memories of it populated my dreams for many years afterwards, like a bad deed I couldn’t forget.

Sorting My Own Shit Out

A Writers’ Other Jobs Story by Sam Ryan

My name is Sam. It’s been six months since I last wrote.

I genuinely don’t know how this happened. I had such good intentions, such great expectations, moving from Sydney to Melbourne to start a business and have all that spare time to write and paint. These days when I say “spare time” I almost always end with an overly-enthusiastic, slightly maniacal cackling and air quotation marks.

Eeyore and the pencils

A Writers’ Other Jobs story by Kyran Wheatley

“This writing business. Pencils and what-not. Over-rated, if you ask me. Silly stuff. Nothing in it.” -Eeyore


A Writers’ Other Jobs story from Dieter Barkhoff

So, when can I read something?

A Writers’ Other Jobs story by Rhett Davis

There is an urgency that arises from the sudden death of someone who has defined you. It is an urgency without a clear purpose. Your thoughts revolve around a brutal understanding that life can be over in a second.


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