Welcome to Samantha van Zweden – New Online Editor of Writers Bloc

Sometimes in the hubbub of working a day job, editing a blog and running a few events, you lose sight of how something is going. Our blog frequency waxed and waned and we got a bit behind in our posts. So, in September, we decided to put the call out for an Online Editor, not really knowing exactly how much interest there would be. The response for the position was really humbling and, like every Academy Award or CWA Bake Sale, we really had trouble picking a winner.

However, the preparation, enthusiasm and sheer creativity shown by Sam won us over immediately (You should talk to her, she’s pretty impressive). With a wide experience of reviewing books on her own site, for The Big Issue and Readings Monthly, she’ll be well-prepared for the Literary Magazine review series we started recently. She’s also bringing social media skills honed at Kill Your Darlings, as well as event experience after interning at Melbourne Writers Festival AND working four days a week in a book shop. She’s a busy bee! What a star!

If you’ve not seen her around Melbourne or on THE INTERNET, Sam’s work can be found here: www.littlegirlwithabigpen.com, here: http://www.killyourdarlingsjournal.com/2013/06/the-turning-of-the-tide-for-short-stories/ or here: http://blog.thatsmelbourne.com.au/blog/2013/08/09/digital-spotters-guide-to-melbourne-writers-festival/.

Basically, she’s a talented so-and-so and the new Online Editor of Writers Bloc! We couldn’t be more excited to see what she does with the role.

For all submissions, expressions of interest and Sam Van Zweden fan mail, please contact [email protected]/wpblog