Writers Bloc is back: How and why we decided to relaunch our website

Hello, friends. We are thrilled to announce that Writers Bloc is back, after a hiatus of almost four years. We know that many of you have missed our platform, our community, and our events, and we’ve missed you too.

So, why did we decide to come back? Have I got a story for you.

The beginning and the end

Writers Bloc started as a group of writers who wanted to create a space for emerging and established writers to share their work, get feedback, and connect with each other. We would meet each month at a bar off the side of UTS in Sydney and share stories with new friends we found on Twitter (RIP) and I thought, what if this kind of thing could exist online.

So we launched two websites, the first a simple blog with a few pages in 2013, then a second more sophisticated site where writers could upload their stories, poems, essays, and more, and receive constructive comments from other writers and readers in 2016. However, as the website grew, it became a bit unwieldy, and as our previous Editor Liam Pieper described it, it was a bit like wrangling a Frankenstein and he wasn’t wrong.

A screenshot of our early website showing people how to set up a Write Here group
Original site with instructions for setting up a Write Here group (2013)

Our website was also where we organised live events, workshops, podcasts, and online courses, to help writers develop their craft and find their audience. We were amazed by the response we had from the writing community, and we were proud to support and showcase diverse and talented voices from across Australia and beyond.

However, running a website and an organisation largely without funding is not easy, especially in times of crisis. The pandemic hit us hard, as it did many other arts and cultural organisations. We had to cancel our events, cut back on publishing, and face the reality of dwindling funds and resources. Personally, I also had to deal with the professional challenges of lockdowns (hello remote teaching), moving to a new city and all the uncertainty and loneliness that comes along with that. I realised that we could not sustain Writers Bloc as it was, and made the difficult decision to stop publishing in 2020. It was pretty heartbroking, but also knew that I had to prioritise other things including my wellbeing. I said to myself that I would come back to Writers Bloc when I had the time and emotional energy to give it all the love I can.

The comeback

A screenshot of the second version of the Writers Bloc website that shows links to blog, a menu with read, write, opportunities and courses.
The second version of the website, beautifully designed by Dan Farrugia our design director in 2016.

During our hiatus, I never stopped thinking about Writers Bloc and believe there’s still a need for a platform like ours. Many writers still need a place for their work, to get feedback, and to connect with peers and mentors. The fall of Twitter and the cesspool that Facebook has become really leaves a hole in the writing world. The internet needs a place for readers and writers to find new and diverse stories, voices, and perspectives, that are not always represented in the mainstream media and publishing.

So, we decided to give Writers Bloc another chance. We’ve revamped our website, making it more user-friendly, accessible, and attractive. We wanted to create a website that would reflect what we originally set out to achieve, while also meeting the needs of our community. We reckon what we’ve made is pretty good, and want to welcome you back to Writers Bloc.

The future

So what can you expect from Writers Bloc from here on? Well, a lot of things. First of all, you can expect to see new and original content from writers of all genres, styles, and backgrounds, shared on every writer “thewritersbloc.net” (more on this below). But more than that, we’ve set it up so the website is your space too. You can create private groups for book clubs or writing groups, send direct messages your mates or follow your favourite writers.

Our new online community (2024)

We will start running online and offline events again, as well as workshops, and courses, to help writers hone their skills and network with each other. We will reconnect and collaborate with other organisations, publications, and festivals, to promote and celebrate new writing and emerging writers. The Opportunities board is also back, even better than ever tbh.

But most importantly, you can expect to find a vibrant and supportive community of writers and readers, who share a passion for writing and reading, and who are willing to help each other grow and succeed. We believe that Writers Bloc is more than just a website with blogs and opportunities, but one of the most supportive communities online. And we want you to be a part of it. So, whether you are a writer, a reader, or both, we invite you to join us, and to help us make Writers Bloc the best it can be. We can’t wait to hear from you, and to read your stories.

Thank you for your support, and welcome back to the Bloc.


  1. Love your idea and your commitment to the energy that will be required to make this as exciting as it reads. I wish you the very best of luck along with a recommendation you use the services of all willing to make this a site for writers – and not a default blog.

    1. Thank you! And absolutely, we hope the groups and blog will be a platform for a really diverse set of voices. Welcome!

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