Welcome Back Julie Koh, Claire Rosslyn Wilson and Allison K Williams

It’s been so wonderful to see your faces again. TBH, I’ve been a bit emotional about it.

So I thought, that each week we should feature some of the wonderful writers we’ve published as we welcome them back to the site. Give them a follow, you won’t regret it.

Julie Koh

First off, I think I first met Julie in the crowd at the Sydney Writers’ Festival as we were waiting to hear Peter Polites and some other writers as part of a panel. I can’t even remember what the panel was about, but definitely remember the warmth and enthusiasm Julie had for talking about writing. Little did I know at the time I was sitting next to the writer of the yet-to-be-released wonderful collection of short stories, Portable Curiousities.

Way back when Writers Bloc was a fledgling website, I asked Julie if she would write a Writers’ Other Jobs piece for us and I’ve linked it below. I won’t spoil it for you, but let’s just say I was surprised again by Julie.

Maverick by Julie Koh for Writers’ Other Jobs and Interviewed by Patrick Lenton

Allison K Williams

Also way back when, our Editor Sam van Zweden commissioned one of the all-time most popular blogs on Writers Bloc. It’s called Make Professional Editing Work for You and was written by the wonderful Allison K Williams.

In the article demystifies the world of professional editing, and offers a candid look at its costs and benefits. She explains why editing services are priced as they are, and emphasises the skill, time, and meticulous attention to detail that editors bring to their craft.

Claire Rosslyn Wilson

Claire Rosslyn Wilson has written for us many times and I’ve really enjoyed returning to some of her work over the years. The Literary Cities posts she sent from Barcelona and Valencia are particularly good (check out the photos..)

As well as that, her articles on freelancing and travel are rich with practical advice and cultural insights. Dreaming of an Iberian summer will be one of the many things you get from her wonderful back-catalogue.

On the Bloc:

Releasing possessions through telling stories

Finding space to write when you’re on the go

Freelance Writing Jobs and International Travel

Literary Cities: Barcelona

Literary Cities: Valencia