Bloc Features: Allen Qing Yuan

Welcome to something we’re calling Bloc Features. It will be a collection of some of the finest work from literary journals from Australia and abroad as well as extracts from debut novelists. On top of this, we’re also going to be selecting one piece each month from our workshop to sit alongside these wonderful stories.

And to kick it all off, we’re proud to share with you a suite of poems from Allen Qing Yuan, originally published in Poetry Pacific.


China Charm: For Yuan Lai

Blood-red intertwined thread of life

Passing through a shadowed low point

The lid, lukewarm, dulled and dusty

Inside the glass of time

A five-year-old grain of rice

Remains odorless and recognisable

With it, a petite pretty green blue flower

Flourishing without air,

Its potential limited by its surroundings.

In scripted onto the smooth

Yellow-tinged surface of the rice

Are yuan qing, my Chinese name

Looking like two Taoist drawings

It is a single small grain,

But I never forget the wide summer fields

Swaying back and forth without a creak or swish

It hangs high on the high lamp head

Much like the dreams of China in my head

A Charming charm indeed

Restrained but living

Living but not thriving.

Every Youthful Moment

Paving his own

Road, never backing


He does what he wants,

How he wants,

When he wants,

Making the light shine.

He has faith


The future

He’s facing towards.

Enjoying the golden age,

Remembering every page,

Of his life,

Written or unwritten,

He gives it his all, hoping he will not



Every youthful moment.

Chasing the Pacific Star

Air gyres crowd into the boy

As he dashes through the clouds of hope

Surfing on a wish

He descends to the touchy ocean

A salty breeze gushes from underneath

A spring of refreshing motivation

The flaring sun eagerly follows him like a bright shadow

Intimidating mountains forcibly rise, but are capped

From the serene, misty horizon

Where a bleached bird loudly flaps its wings away

Upgrading his life board,

With exhilarating dreams

As he dashes through the clouds of hope

Waltz of the Cherry Blossoms

Two rebels break from the formation during the finale,

Desiring to demonstrate their own worth

The other performers swirl and spin together,

But the couple twirls all over

Up & down a graceful, invisible roller-coaster

Rising as high as divine entertainers

Their pinkness is not utter embarrassment;

But rather pure passion and devotion

The pack would be proud

If not for the ferocious metallic monster

Who displays the most

Overwhelming performance of all

Traffic Light

Green, Yellow, Red



Yet again I missed the light

What could have been

What should have been

My chance to burst to

The frontier of the background

Defining the jagged shimmer

Of the tender life force

But I wait, pondering

Is this a pre-carved destiny?

An aim, beyond ambition

Green, Yellow, Red


Komodo Dragon

Staring menacingly at all observers

You being the greatest observer of all

Claws scraping the loose earth

Scaly tail weaving through the sky

Rocky exterior grinding rock

Squinty eyes seeing all

And you wonder

What more is beyond this glass?

Reality Recreated

A transcending wheel of regrets

Sprouts forth wisps of choices.

Which world shall you conquer?

A directory of multiple screens,

Different routes, the same ending,

Where everything is really fake

But the enjoyment is surreally real.

An unhappy fairytale, an enchanted traveler

Bestowed with the gears of the mind.

A clockwork so extensive,

It has gone digital

Like a boy at the toy store,

He plays with what isn’t his,

A remote controller browsing fake realities.

Films of futuristic memories

Resurface on calm waters.

A beautiful portrayal distorted by the ripples of time.

One-time routines, impossible horrors, desired fantasies

Forged in the darkness of Helios

Shattered by glows of the god.

A current future passing,

A thought remaining unexplored

What could tonight’s dreams hold?

City Mingling

Full of the promising young, and the promised old

This kaleidoscope-like urban cityscape

Stuttering in broken circles of light

Towers zig-zagging

Across the geared, cyan skyline

No being cynical

Expanding borders

Until all sides are hypotenuses

But it’s your life, don’t make it a brutal brawl

Cybernetic world,

The clash of (common) creeds,

Is all I need to make sure that

There is not only me

Everyone’s values are today’s splendid, Splenda society

Making life sweet

It’s so wonderful–

To be you and me


to defeat monsters, he has long since sacrificed his humanity

his heightened sense of vengeance bloats into a colossal skeleton

thick sinews and muscle strands of his frustration intertwine

outreaching like twilight as the sun sets behind great walls

his black hair flowing like crows flocking for food

his eyes glowing green of what was once the foolish innocence of adolescence

his derailed teeth expelling furious vapours between the cracks

his devilish ears pointing towards some secret in the western sky

his narrow brutish tongue spitting nothing but whims and revenge

and as he stomps and stomps, pounds and pounds

all his limbs into this entity he hates

with steam gushing out of the areas of contact

with disintegrating parts of his body blindly slamming into structures

his giant shape finally stumbles down, wondering

whether evil sheds tears inwardly

Blue, Beyond the Blues

Head rested on his hand, mimicking a comfort he once had

He spent every evening looking out the window

The girl had long departed, like a tugboat leaving no trace

On the water, except for the anchor pit under the waves

And he could hear the foamy sounds across the season

That resonated with the relationship between see and sky

Memories frolicking on the keys of black and white

Though with a harsh tune, it led to a harmonious epiphany

That nostalgia could be more dangerous than heartbreak

That he had always loved her; and that was his heartache

Spring echoed of the finest chords with all his unsung songs

Her reply was a slow wave pushed back to the summer’s beach

There blows another yet familiar salty breeze, once more

He reaches out his inner arms high to embrace the horizon

Edited and selected by Raphaelle Race. 

Selected for re-publication in Bloc Features is a short collection of poems by Allen Qing Yuan, a gifted 20-year-old Canadian poet. Allen’s work is truly representative of Poetry Pacific‘s oeuvre and style, not only because it embodies what we believe to be the ‘best’ poetry: short and suggestive, but also because he is among the most popular poets we have published thus far in our e.journal.

As the editor of Spillway, Pedestal and In Posse Review, Susan Terris, has put it, “Allen Qing Yuan is a gifted poet with a keen eye for detail and imagery. His work is lyrical yet still well-grounded in the many worlds he traverses in his poetry. His poems have, at the same time, boldness yet tenderness.”