Write Here
Write Here started as a monthly get-together, writing side-by-side other writers. Consider it... View more
Group Feed
Wahiba Moussa posted an update in the group Write Here 2 months ago
Hi Geoff, is there going to be another Write Here his week? I’ve been looking forward to it since ladt Tuesday… but now I’m beginning yo ferl foolish…
There sure is @Wahiba ! There’s a link in the calendar but I’ll send you an email with the event because you and Rhonda were part of it last week!
@sarahjansen want to come too? I can send you a link directly to it. Saves having to register above.
sean macgillicuddy posted an update in the group Write Here 2 months ago
Thanks Geoff, I look forward to hooking up this time next week, I thought it was great. Sean.
My pleasure! I’m really glad you found us 🙂
sean macgillicuddy joined the group Write Here 2 months ago
Calvin Peat joined the group Write Here 2 months ago
Welcome to Write Here Calvin! Were you wanting to join us for the Digital session today? @calvinpeathotmail-co-uk
chrissyjay joined the group Write Here 2 months ago
sarahjansen joined the group Write Here 2 months ago
Maggie Scott joined the group Write Here 2 months ago
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