Releasing possessions through telling stories


Claire Rosslyn Wilson on decluttering and detangling the relationship between emotion and objects. I sat with my things and heard them breathe in a Melbourne…

Finding Space To Write When You’re On The Go

Building Blocs

Claire Rosslyn Wilson on how travel doesn’t have to mean abandoning your writing routine Finding the space to write is a vital part of any…

Freelance Writing Jobs And International Travel

Building Blocs

Claire Rosslyn Wilson shares some strategies for living between places and developing international networks as a creative freelancer.  We are living in a world where…

Literary Cities | Valencia

Literary Cities

Claire Rosslyn Wilson, on the beauty in the burning fires of Valencia, Spain The smoke is there the next day, caught up in the threads…

Literary Cities | Barcelona

Literary Cities

A treasure house of courtesy, shelter for strangers, abode for the poor, hometown of the brave,
avenger of the offended, welcome dwelling of firm friendship, and…