• I miss doing Write Here each month.. I’m looking for a venue in Melbourne for a live catchup. Does anyone have any ideas?

      I’ve tried the City of Melbourne libraries as well as Wheeler Centre but they all have a bit of a steep price to run an event.

      Wahiba Moussa
      • Katherine Syme library in Carlton maybe?

        • Geoff Orton (edited)

          Oh that’s a great suggestion but I looked at the North Melbourne library (same booking system) and they wanted to charge 70 or 80 dollars!

          • Just checked Darebin libraries, and the northcote/preston ones seem to have them as 19 dollars per hour for non-profits. Which could add up if we’re there awhile, but seems less terrible.

            • Way less terrible! It’s similar to the Flemington one, I think they are were $17. Might mean we need at least 7 people paying $5 to avoid it being a cost…

              Thanks for looking @runawaykite – in Sydney we went to an artist space called 107 Projects. They were happy to have us, as long as people bought a few coffees.

            • What about talking to a place like Wesley Anne in Northcote? We’d probably just need to buy a few drinks while we’re there.

              • I’d love to have a regular Write Up in the Castlemaine area. Are there other Bloc-ers out here who’d be interested?

                • Oh Castlemaine! That’s a great idea. I’ll put it out there if you’re interested.

                  • Wahiba Moussa (edited)

                    Yes Please, Geoff! Feeling a little desperate for Write Here sessions at the moment😅 We could start by meeting up at the Castlemaine Library Foyer.

                • How exciting! I’ll set up a group and check the interest

                  • Also, I noticed you bought two tickets for tomorrow. Is that because you’re bringing a mate or you want to do this week and next week @Wahiba ?

                    • Ah, you noticed that did you? … it was a little brain fart. Maybe I should blame it on the internet. But I’ve invited a friend along now and we’re buddying up to make sure we get there … 😅
