A Q&A with Write and Shine’s Gemma Seltzer


On finding the time to write and smashing creative goals, with Write and Shine’s Gemma Seltzer. Gemma Seltzer is made of fairy dust. She must…

How to Become a Writer

Building Blocs

When I think of my life, I can’t help but think of that niggling list of regrets. Buying a guitar on a sweeping gust of…

Finding Your Path to Publishing a Book with Eliza Henry-Jones


Eliza Henry-Jones talks the difficulties and joys of publishing a book ahead of her free-to-the-public short course. Eliza Henry-Jones has signed five books with HarperCollins,…

Getting Over Imposter Syndrome While You’re Writing

Building Blocs

Katerina Bryant on the origins of ‘imposter syndrome’ and how to believe in your words. It’s unlikely that, as a person of the internet, you…

Literary Cities: Oregon

Literary Cities

A Literary Cities piece on Portland, by Katerina Bryant. Portland, as Fred Armisen and Carrie Brownstein say, is where young people go to retire. Lining up an…