Merry Christmas from the Writers Bloc team

The end of 2013 is almost upon us!

Christmas and the New Year are always a time for introspection and pondering, resolutions and gratefulness. Here at Writers Bloc, we’ve been thinking just how thankful we are for all that’s happened in 2013.

We were born, for starters. That’s pretty good. Throughout the year we’ve heard from so many fantastic writers on the blog about their various careers and challenges, writing hopes and fears, projects undertaken, events attended, journals read, and the locations in which they choose to write. Our team has grown, as has our community of friends. We’ve loved seeing you and hearing from you, whether it’s been face-to-face at a Writers Bloc Party, at a Write Here event, on the tweets or through the forums.

There are big changes afoot in 2014 – as you may have seen on social media, we’re currently remodelling the website to include super magical workshopping wizardry, which we can’t wait to invite you to make use of. We’ll continue to give you a site for discussion and consideration through the blog and the forums, and we hope to see you at one of the many events we’ll have happening all over Australia in the new year.

Mainly, we want to say thank you. Thank you to everyone who brought their enthusiasm and kindness to workshopping meet-ups. Thank you to all the writers who worked incredibly hard to bring great writing to the blog. Thank you for embracing something new and giving us a shot. Thank you for all being so supportive.

Merry Christmas and happy holidays,

The Writers Bloc team.