Grab Bag of Inspiration | Writers Bloc

Editor's Desk

This post is lenient cheerleading from online editor Sam van Zweden. — I feel guilty that I haven’t written more this month. I keep seeing…

Fiction Clinic

Editor's Desk

The short story is an art which, like poker, takes a day to learn the rules but a lifetime to master. It’s just as easy for a writer working on…

Be Kind To The Dog


This is a piece by Robert Lukins, on the sometimes long and always wonky road to publication. It’s all very strange. I’ve wanted nothing but…

Literary Cities: Karratha

Literary Cities

This is a Literary Cities postcard from Karratha, by Megan Hippler.   When my employer in San Francisco sent me to Karratha for a month,…

The Room with the Great Blue Roof

Bloc Features

We are thrilled to feature a new short story by a talents from the next brilliant generation of Australian writers by  Each day is a…

Ask Me Editing | The Kindly Pay Me Already Edition

Ask me editing

Welcome to Ask Me Editing, the publishing advice column that acknowledges that while everyone has a book inside them, there’s also other stuff in there…

Interview: Lorelei Vashti


[ad_1] This is an interview with Lorelei Vashti. Lorelei Vashti is a writer, book editor, and one-time candy-bar bear. Her first book was book Dress, Memory published…

Café Purgatory

Writer's Other Jobs

This is a Writers’ Other Jobs piece, by H.D. Thompson. Right next to my work in a train station platform, convergences of rats would race down…

The Zen Kitchen


This is a review of Adam Liaw’s The Zen Kitchen: Easy Japanese Recipes for Home Cooks. Too often cookbooks are treated as instruction manuals – a…


Editor's Desk

This is a word from our Editor on something of vital importance to the literary community.  My name is Liam Pieper. I’m the Content Director…