On Authenticity | Writers Bloc


A Writers’ Other Jobs story by Caitlin Welsh I was at a 21st once, chatting with a friend about his job. This friend – a…

Adventures in LA LA Land

Writer's Other Jobs

A Writers’ Other Jobs story from Naomi Jaul I knew exactly how my new life in Los Angeles was going to look: there was me,…

Write Here. Write Now | Writers Bloc


On Saturday May 4th, Writers Bloc and 107 Projects will begin something we are calling “Write Here”. We’re setting up a place for you to…

I was the Candy Bar Bear

Writer's Other Jobs

A Writers’ Other Jobs story by Lorelei Vashti The summer after I had completed my Creative Writing Degree at university I was living with my…

What is Writers’ Other Jobs?

Writer's Other Jobs

Writers Other Jobs is a blog series that deals with some of the jobs writers have done to support their fledgling careers and avoid having…

What I Write About When I Write About Toasters

Writer's Other Jobs

by Michelle McLaren Writing is my day job as well as my passion. However, I consider the writing I do at work and the writing…

Copywriting is a dirty business

Writer's Other Jobs

When you are working as a copywriter, sometimes the gigs run dry and you need to apply for whatever jobs you come across. One of…