I Did These Jobs | Writers Bloc

Writer's Other Jobs

This is a Writers’ Other Jobs post from Sam Cooney A few years ago I made golightly plans to move sprightly overseas, and because at the…

December | Writers Bloc

Editor's Desk

This blog post is being uploaded later than normal for me. I woke up at an alright time, but then I thought I should probably…

APRIL, Seattle | Writers Bloc

Pub Trivia

This is a What’s My Scene? post from Rosanna Stevens. — In my whole life, I’ve lived six hours in Seattle, Washington. Two of them…

Seizure – Sport | Writers Bloc


This is a review by Stephanie Honor Convery — Seizure: Sport $14.95 Seizure magazine is a relatively new entrant into the sphere of Australian literary…

What’s My Scene? with Freya Wright-Brough

Editor's Desk

This is a What’s My Scene? post featuring Freya Wright-Brough. — I think I’m inwardly sadistic. Last year I travelled to a city I’d never…

Someone Who Knows Mentoring | Writers Bloc

Building Blocs

Welcome to the first in a new series of posts, titled Someone Who Knows. This series is a skill-share, where we hear from people who are…

The Five-Year Plan | Writers Bloc


This is a post by Lou Heinrich. — The fridge light clicks on and she peers inside, the whitegood hum filling the kitchen. She closes…

Sendai | Writers Bloc

Literary Cities

This is a Literary Cities post by Pepi Ronalds — I’ve spent a lifetime writing the words, ‘Tokyo, Japan’ under the section ‘Place of Birth’…

The First Rule of Book Club

Bloc Club

is do not reference Chuck Palahniuk? – Perhaps the best advice I’ve been given on writing is to read more. Read the classics, read popular…

The New Retail Experience | Writers Bloc

Writer's Other Jobs

This is a Writers’ Other Jobs post from Chris Currie. — A fair portion of my working career outside of writing (i.e. that which actually…