Writing, Motivation and Your Work in Progress

Building Blocs

Catherine Cole on writing, motivation and finding discipline in a busy world. Getting motivated to write Every writer I know has their own way of…

Inner Worlds: Critique In Real-Time


This is a creative nonfiction piece by CB Mako showing a real-time response to critique, and its interaction with mental health. “I have a non-fiction…

Detouring Around The Language Barrier


An ideas piece by Lauren Fuge on how being immersed in a new language re-ignited an old flame. I rocked up in Munich with a…

Why Writers Use Pseudonyms —Then and Now


What’s in a name? Irene Bell explores a history of authors obscuring their identities with pseudonyms. “Literature cannot be the business of a woman’s life”—so…

How to Grow Your Superannuation for Freelancers

Building Blocs

Marisa Wikramanayake breaks down how freelancers can grow their super without wanting to cry. For many writers, super or having a sufficient amount of super…

Why All Writers Should Belong To A Book Club


Fiona Murphy on how the benefits of a book club stretch beyond sharing a wine and a wheel of cheese. There are two questions that…

National Failing at Novel Writing Month


Britt Aylen on her history of failing National Novel Writing Month — and why she keeps going back for more. They say the first sign…

Should Writers Subscribe to the Sites They Write For?


Scarlett Harris on the pros and cons of getting behind the paywall. These days, publishing is an increasingly paywalled industry in which some of the…

Review | Winter


This is a review of Ali Smith’s Winter When we look back on right now – 2017, nearly Christmas, in the midst of one of the…

Curating an Event for Beginners


Comedian Ethan Andrews talks curating a killer event from the ground up. Sustaining an artistic career in Australia requires a do-it-yourself attitude. Frustrated by a…