What Even Is A Mentor?

Building Blocs

This is a piece by Lauren Sherritt on the importance of professional creative mentoring programs. During the first few years of my writing career, I’ve been…

Ask Me Editing | The It’s A Trap! Edition

Ask me editing

Welcome to Ask Me Editing, the publishing and writing advice column that puts the ‘IMPish sense of humour’ back in IMPoster syndrome. Let’s go solve…

Giveaway : Portable Curiosities


This is a giveaway, in which we do what it says on the tin. We give something away. So, being the stand-up literary citizens that…

Eight Lives by Chloe Walker

Bloc Features

Today’s Bloc Feature has been shared with us by Funny Ha Ha, a magnificent zine that features humour and emotion According to Founder and Editor,…

Interview – Briohny Doyle


This is an interview with author and academic, Briohny Doyle, by Raphaelle Race. The Island Will Sink is Briohny Doyle’s debut novel, a book about the…

The Island Will Sink – excerpt

Bloc Features

This is an excerpt from The Island Will Sink, by Briohny Doyle. INT. BOARDROOM. WIDE SHOT. DAY Twelve men sit around a large table. They…

Reality Testing Episode Three: About Aboutness


This is Reality Testing, our column where Khalid Warsame and Joshua Barnes fight over an idea. KW So our increasingly inaccurately defined ‘fortnightly’ column is back. JB: Once we’re…

Brave New World

Editor's Desk

You may have noticed we’ve had a little haircut. We’ve got a brand new, cleaner look, but that’s just the start. For the past few…

Writers Other Jobs – Public Servant

Writer's Other Jobs

This is a Writers’ Other Jobs piece by Shu-Ling Chua about being a public servant. And I wanted to write about Canberra, this city that lures ambitious people from…

Review – Weird Sydney


This is a review of NSW Writer’s Centre’s live event, Weird Sydney. Woolahra Library was gifted an intriguing set of presentations on the weird and wonderful…