Building Blocs – Taxtime

Building Blocs

This is a Building Blocs piece in which, Sam Ryan from SAYSO talks tax for writers. I’m a writer! I wrote some things! I’m getting paid for…

Literary Cities | Dunedin

Literary Cities

A Literary Cities piece on Dunedin, by Phoebe Paterson de Heer. I didn’t mean to live in Dunedin. My partner, Ryan and I really were just passing through.…

Ask Me Editing – The Get Me Off This Crazy Rollercoaster Edition

Ask me editing

Hello and welcome to Ask Me Editing, the publishing agony aunt column which rhymes Editing and Anything, which is basically poetry. Q: Getting off this…

Giveaway | EWF Masterclass


This is a giveaway, where we do what it says on the tin – give something away. Our friends at the The Emerging Writers’ Festival  have given…

On Where Art Comes From


Cameron Colwell on: the Sydney Writers’ Festival, art, labour and Hanya Yanagihara. Hanya Yanagihara wrote all three-hundred thousand-something words of her Booker winner, A Little…

The Book That | Finally Got Me Writing Again

Book That

This is a Book That piece by Bri Lee about the joys/perils of reading Helen Garner. I’m in the middle of writing my first book and it’s:…

Literary Cities | Lisbon

Literary Cities

A Literary Cities piece on Lisbon, by Carlotta Eden. Lisbon, really, is a poet’s city: second-hand book markets down every side street, blistered walls outside famous literary hide-outs…

Reality Testing Episode Two: HHhH, or,


This is Reality Testing, a new column where two of the smartest people we could find (on Twitter) Khalid Warsame and Joshua Barnes fight over an idea. Discussed: novels…

Keeping Up With The Kierkegaards


This is an ideas piece about how writing and existential crises go together like Scrabble and Zen. Six months ago I sat in the beer…

Emerging Writers Festival


This is the Writers Bloc Guide to the Emerging Writers’ Festival. The Emerging Writers’ Festival is an annual festival dedicated to new writers – a place…