Ask Me Editing

Ask me editing

This is Ask Me Editing, a new writing-advice column where we have industry experts answer your questions. Starting April, we’re launching a new writing-industry advice…

Building Blocs – The Post-Apocalyptic Guide To Book Promotion

Building Blocs

This is a Building Blocs piece, by Nicholas J. Johnson, on how in the end, the only thing that matters is self-promotion.  It’s the end of the…

The Unnatural Way of Things

Book That

This is a Book That piece by Hannah Donnelly, on decolonising country in Australian literature. Driving out of town to go wood chopping in dad’s…

Literary Cities | Brisbane

Literary Cities

A Literary Cities piece on Brisbane, by Khalid Warsame. Let’s begin with a memory. I am standing in the humid square of our porch, bare-chested and barefoot.…

Review: Aurealis #87


It has been over 25 years since the journal Aurealis was established. Its aim: to create a market for Australia’s healthy speculative fiction-reading population, and…

That Horrible Moment During Sex or a Date Where…

Bloc Features

This week’s Bloc is Featuring newly launched Hook Up, a zine about honestly expressing sexuality and sexual experiences, cutting through unrealistic contemporary expectations of queer culture.…

Writers’ Other Jobs | Magician

Writer's Other Jobs

This is a Writers’ Other Jobs piece by Nicholas J. Johnnson about being a magician. I was standing awkwardly at a rooftop BBQ in North Fitzroy being…

Bloc Features: Round by Katelin Farnsworth

Bloc Features

Something special this week! Lip Magazine has generously shared the story that won their 2015 Rachel Funari Prize for Fiction. Lip is an independent magazine for…

We never learned to wait for the dough to rise by Alvin Parks

Bloc Features

This week’s Bloc Feature has been shared with us by the explosively sensate Synaesthesia Magazine. Synaesthesia wants you to think differently about things and the way…

Good News

Editor's Desk

This is a word from the team about what the month holds for us. Good news everyone! We’ve got bad news. The first piece of…