Ask Me Editing – The Work, Work, Work Edition

Ask me editing

This is Ask Me Editing, a new writing and publishing-advice column where our writing-industry agony-uncle dispenses priceless advice. Welcome to ASK ME EDITING, the publishing…

An interview with T.V Reed


Today’s Bloc Feature has been shared with us by Moss Journal. T. V. Reed is a Professor of American Studies and English at Washington State…

Giveaway | The Memory Artist


This is a giveaway, in which we do what it says on the tin. We give something away. We’ve got couple of copies of The…

Ask Me Editing – The Cynical and Wrong Edition

Ask me editing

This is Ask Me Editing, a new writing and publishing-advice column where our writing-industry agony-uncle dispenses priceless advice. Welcome to Ask Me Editing, the publishing…

I Know It When I See It


This is Reality Testing, a new column where two of the smartest people we could find (on Twitter) Khalid Warsame and Joshua Barnes fight over…

Death by Water by Raphaelle Race

Bloc Features

This is a Bloc Features workshop piece by Raphaelle Race Raphaelle Race I have memories. They come and go and they are suspect. They are…

Running A Festival


This is a Building Blocs piece by Shu-Ling Chua, where a producer takes us through what is takes to run a writers’ festival. It’s the…

Literary Cities | Fremantle

Literary Cities

A Literary Cities piece on Fremantle by Chloe Papas. I don’t come from Fremantle, but it is one of my homes. A scrabbly port town where the…

Extract | A Loving Faithful Animal

Bloc Features

This is an extract from A Loving, Faithful Animal, by Josephine Rowe – our Bloc Club book this month. Well, i was pretty. I did use…

Review | A Loving, Faithful Animal


This is a review, of Josephine Rowe’s A Loving, Faithful Animal.  Josephine Rowe’s debut novel, A loving, faithful animal, should be consumed slowly and thoughtfully. Each sentence,…