People of NaNoWriMo – Pantsers


Earlier today we opened our People of NaNoWriMo series with the planners. Now, strolling in at the end of the day…the Pantsers. Kaitlyn Plyley Last…

Welcome to Samantha van Zweden – New Online Editor of Writers Bloc

Editor's Desk

Sometimes in the hubbub of working a day job, editing a blog and running a few events, you lose sight of how something is going.…


Bloc Features

This is an extract from Tincture issue 3, which was reviewed yesterday by Veronica Sullivan — Exposed by Ira McGuire 1. I notice rust stains on the chain of…

Griffith Review: Fiction Edition | Writers Bloc


Once Upon A Time in Oz Griffith Review issue 42 $27.95  Everyone in Western culture knows what happened to Goldilocks. We know not to trust…

Lifted Brow: Issue 18 | Writers Bloc


Review of The Lifted Brow, Issue 18 Edited by Sam Cooney 64 pages $9 “Let me introduce you to a concept. Two concepts, actually. Important…

Write Here. Write Everywhere | Writers Bloc


Write Here is simple. You turn up, we give you a table to work on, you get a bunch of work done surrounded by other…

Writers Bloc Party: Book Swap and Trivia


We’re having a party and you’re all invited! Bring some books, bring some stories. We hope to see you there. Ticket info here: Wednesday 25th…

A Survey of Ways in which Scissors Paper Pen is like The Skywhale.


Occasionally we will ask emerging writers and their collectives to share with us, what it is they do. From critique circles to small-presses, writing sessions…

The Canary Press Story Magazine, Issue One


Published by The Canary Press Edited by Robert Skinner and Andy Josselyn ISSN: 2201-8670 Price: $12 AUD Subscriptions: 1 year (4 issues) is $40 within…

My First Job | Writers Bloc

Writer's Other Jobs

A Writers’ Other Jobs piece from Adam Ford One of the things to consider when looking around for a job that’s going to pay your…