On (not) writing | Writers Bloc

Writer's Other Jobs

A Writers’ Other Jobs piece by Amy Gray There’s no better litmus test for writers than our Dionysian pleasure in avoiding actual writing while still…

The Slip | Writers Bloc

Writer's Other Jobs

A Writers’ Other Job story from Tristan Foster Like many an undergrad to come before me and, no doubt, like many to follow, I worked…

Make a Bet | Writers Bloc

Bloc Features

Extract – There is something primal about a pub, I’ve decided now; pubs are dim, cavernous, raw – at least at 3am. There isn’t much…

Sorting My Own Shit Out

Writer's Other Jobs

A Writers’ Other Jobs Story by Sam Ryan My name is Sam. It’s been six months since I last wrote. I genuinely don’t know how…

My Santa Job | Writers Bloc

Writer's Other Jobs

I decided to work as a Shopping Centre Santa because I needed something to write about. I had abandoned one novel and started another and…

Eeyore and the pencils | Writers Bloc

Writer's Other Jobs

A Writers’ Other Jobs story by Kyran Wheatley “This writing business. Pencils and what-not. Over-rated, if you ask me. Silly stuff. Nothing in it.” -Eeyore…

Book Nooks: Outback Writers’ Centre

Pub Trivia

Each Tuesday we will ask emerging writers and their collectives to share with us, what it is they do. From critique circles to small-presses, writing…

Moonlighting | Writers Bloc

Writer's Other Jobs

A Writers’ Other Jobs story from Dieter Barkhoff Writers call their regular job Moonlighting. It’s our second job, the job that keeps us alive and…

What’s My Scene: Write Here

Editor's Desk

Each Tuesday, as part of the Book Nooks series, we will ask emerging writers and their collectives to share with us, what it is they…

So, when can I read something?


A Writers’ Other Jobs story by Rhett Davis There is an urgency that arises from the sudden death of someone who has defined you. It…