Bloc Fun Times | Writers Bloc

Editor's Desk

We love writing here at Writers Bloc (der). But sometimes, we like getting up from the desk and hanging out with rad people. In keeping…

Ira McGuire Q&A | Writers Bloc


This is an interview between Daniel Young, editor of Tincture Journal and Ira McGuire, whose story Exposed appeared on Writers Bloc yesterday. — DY:   Ira, how did you…

Tincture: Issue 3


This is a lit journal review from Veronica Sullivan. Tincture Journal, Issue 3 Edited by Daniel Young 86 pages $8 Tincture is a newish ePub-only…

Creative Non-Fiction at NSW Writers’ Centre and some great tips for NaNoWriMo


How’s it going NaNoWriMo people? Are you basking in early creative freedom? Or crippled by writers block with a k? Maybe it’s bouts of both.…

Altar of ‘What If’? | Writers Bloc

Writer's Other Jobs

A Writers’Other Jobs post by Phill English — At the various magazine launches, readings, or writing festival events that I’ve attended, there always comes the dreaded…

Call to Arms | Writers Bloc

Editor's Desk

A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess was written in three weeks. A Study in Scarlet by Arthur Conan Doyle was written in three weeks. On…

From the Editor’s Desk | Writers Bloc

Editor's Desk

Hello! I’m Sam van Zweden, Online Editor of Writers Bloc. This is my first post as editor, and I’m thrilled to be introducing myself to…

Mary Journal No. 3 | Writers Bloc


Mary, No. 3 Edited by Christopher Fieldus 38 pages $5 – A couple of months before he resigned from his post as editor of Granta…

Where Storytellers Meet: Q&A with Melbourne Literary Salon


WB: What is Melbourne Literary Salon and what makes it unique?   MLS: The Melbourne Literary Salon is a regular, friendly and informal meeting place for…

People of NaNoWriMo – Planners


Someone once told me that there are two types of writers. Pantsers and Planners. According to the stereotype, planners have a meticulous understanding about where…