Good News

This is a word from the team about what the month holds for us.

Good news everyone! We've got bad news.

A Tribute to Harper Lee

This is a Writers Bloc tribute to the late Harper Lee.

Harper Lee has passed away, aged 89. 

When one thinks of Harper Lee, the mind (unless still outraged over Go Set a Watchman) immediately turns to her masterpiece To Kill A Mockingbird.  

Read All The Books.

This is a word from our Content Director about what the month holds for us.

2016: A New Hope

OK. A new year. 2016. Let’s go.

Here at Writers Bloc we’re going to make it our mission to help you with your writing. Yes you! You! You glorious thing! You are our protagonist, our hero, our humble peasant who, with our intervention, will be empowered to achieve great things! Just like Luke in Star Wars! Or Rey in the shot-for-shot Star Wars reboot!

Happy Merry!


December draws to a close, and with it, a turbulent year for writers and readers. 

New Kid on The Bloc

Why Hello!  I’m the new Content Director ofWriters Bloc.

In the proud tradition of the Australian democratic process, I’ve ousted our long-serving and much-loved extant Editor Sam Van Zweden in a bloodless back-room coup taken the job with some big ol’ shoes to fill. You can read Sam's funny but very touching farewell here.


The computer is on the desk today, because I work better there.
The computer is on the desk today, because I work better there.

On Introductions

desk5 To-be-read tower grows, paperwork teeters

For the longest time, I’d mumble my name and shrink into the wall or chair before anyone could ask any questions. My unimportant life, my unimportant work, my unimportant projects and workplaces.

Making Goals Useful

This is a post From the Editor’s Desk

I'll admit this is an old desk picture. My desk is currently a beautiful waterfall of books, and I'd love to share it with you, but computer is saying NO.


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